Monday, September 14, 2015

Today 9-10-15 my heart is bleeding.

Originally shared by Government GangStalking and Electronic Harassment

Today 9-10-15 my heart is bleeding. It is my mother's birthday and the last time I saw her, on 9-7-10, the look of death was all over her face due to the chemo she is undergoing for Liver Cancer.

As I was weeping for her, I tried to remember that this was the woman who did not want me and abused me, along with  my father, from the time I was born. I also tried to gain my emotional strength by remembering that she threw me out in the street with the following words:

Since you don't like the terms of the will and you want half then pick up your belonging and get out....that's life...what are you going to do...sometimes is like that.."

According to my parents, my drug addicted and mentally disturbed brother would inherit everything because he produced 4 grand children. The only thing I deserve to get is the right to live in one apartment but my brother has the right to evict me after their death.

In return for the "residency privilege" I would have to slave for both parents as well as to put up with their physical and emotional abuse on 24/7 basis. By slaving, I mean clean their home, cook for them, clean them up and/or clean up after them, clean and rent the apartments after tenants move out etc.... My brother and his kids would not have to do, or put up with, anything like that. In another words, I would have to do everything like a slave and my brother and his kids would inherit everything.

I have been called many names in my life, but 'STUPID" was never one of them...!! I refused the offer and I told them that since I was getting crumbs then only crumbs was the thing that I would be willing to do for them in return and certainly not become a 24/7 slave.

At least I did not do what my brother and his kids did...which was to stop helping altogether after their "sole heir" status was threatened by my possible re-entry into the will as a half-recipient of the paternal real estate assets and money. None of my mother's family members were surprised at her because they all knew that she, along with my father, never loved me as normal parents would.

Although I was the child they never wanted and the child they both abused emotionally and physically, I was the child that cared for her  and for my father better than their son and grandchildren ever did. Craving for the warmth of the family atmosphere, which I never had, was my main incentive.  

During 2013 and 2014, their son and  grandchildren not only withdrew their minimal helping services from my parents when they were informed of my possible re-entry into the will but they also took advantage of them without guilt or shame. My parents never threw any of them out of their home when they resumed their help services after I was kicked out for doing what they did, even in part.

As it turns out, the 4 grandchildren had the government pay for their full tuition by claiming falsely, in their financial applications, of living with their grandparents, (my parents) and of paying rent to them, hence of not being able to pay for their tuition due to the claimed expenses and due to fact that they were not benefitting from their father's home, which was purchased with the help of my parents' money anyway. 

The 4 grandchildren never told my parents that the government paid for their tuition. They claimed to getting only a very small portion of their tuition paid by the government and to needing financial help from my parents in order to pay the rest of the tuition. My parents footed the full tuition payment that their grandchildren told them it was due, thinking that their money was going for their college education. Little did my parents know that their money went for drugs, alkohol and hard core partying...!!!

My brother and his wife knew all along about this scam. How could they not know. None of their kids worked during their college days and yet they had money to burn and party. They also knew about the amount of their college tuition and about the fact that all of their children's educational mail was being delivered to my parents' address instead of being delivered to their own house where they all lived. This mail delivery was done because the 4 grand children claimed falsely of living at my parents' home. My parents did not know anything and were kept in the dark by all of them.

When I asked my parents for help during my college days and afterwards to go to Law School, my mother said to me: " I do not have money to throw away for shit like that". My father helped me once when I was still an undergraduate student but after he helped me he said to me: "This is the last time you get money for school stuff". I ended up having my tuition paid by Government grants and student loans. I also worked my way through college as a waitress and/or as a student aid in work-study programs.

Despite all of the evil things they collectively have done to me to date, particularly throughout the lengthy time I had become a TI, I was the only one who was re-searching for Alternative Medicine solutions for their ailments, especially for my mother's cancer and diabetes related ailments.

Neither their son, (my evil drug addicted and mentally disturbed brother) nor any of  their 4 grand children ever bothered to do anything like that for both of them, especially for my mother.

I will do my human duty by trying to help my mother recover with the Alternative Medicine information that I found out. I can only do my best and I hope that she will comply with it. I would not feel good if I did nothing for her. I would not forgive myself if I took pleasure from her suffering and did nothing to alleviate it in any way or form.

I just wanted to post this family ordeal of mine hoping for a cathartic result. I hope that every time I look at it, I will stop shedding tears for individuals who don't deserve it.

I wrote this during a weeping episode. My heart needed to write things that I felt...and would have liked to tell my parents.

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